An independent podcast

that centers new voices in the Reproductive Justice and Black Feminist movements, especially those of Black women, femmes, and queer people. BFR believes that Reproductive Justice is the path towards liberation and it requires new, innovative, and creative organizing efforts. 


Black Feminist Rants is leading cultural and narrative shift around the way we discuss abortion access, reproductive autonomy, and racial justice. BFR understands that this movement requires the work of students, activists, abortion providers, sex workers, and thought leaders to fight back – and win.


This podcast tells those stories…

LaKia is the Board Vice-Chair for ACCESS Reproductive Justice, California’s statewide abortion fund. She is also the Program Manager for Abortion on Our Own Terms where she manages the Stigma-Free Zone on Self-Managed Abortion exhibit.

LaKia Williams

Black Feminist Rants (BFR) was created by reproductive justice and contraceptive equity organizer LaKia Williams during the height of social and political unrest in 2020. LaKia, dissatisfied with innocuous online discussions surrounding the pandemic and the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, used her social media to post her own “rants” about the tragedies we were facing. She decided to create a podcast that would allow her to reach a broader audience and speak on the full spectrum of social and political issues that matter to her as an activist – largely, issues pertaining to reproductive freedom and autonomy.